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We exist to advance the kingdom of God on earth through sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ while channeling funds, talent and time to TRUSTED partners in ministry, committed to reaching the most needy and vulnerable in our local community and abroad. Our logo is a circle of hands, representing those who give and those who receive. At the center is the cross of Jesus. That's what we are all about. Hands channeling the goodness of God.

Outreach to the hurting

Whether they are homeless, orphaned, abused, neglected, abandoned, addicted, handicapped, or having an unplanned pregnancy we partner with ministries who are doing their best in addressing their spiritual and physical needs.  

Outreach to the Lost 

We partner with mission churches, missionaries, pastors and laymen to reach their community by providing bibles, tracks and VBS supplies and any other way we can be of help to share the message of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Outreach to the poor

 We collect and distribute clothing and food to needy families in the community. We help them with school supplies in the summer and gifts during Christmas time. Nothing speaks louder than tangible proof of God's love and care for the one in the receiving side. 

The services we render to LOLOM and through LOLOM are never to be for lucrative or for political gain.

We are without apology a Christian, protestant, charitable organization which adheres to the fundamental doctrines and teachings of the Bible, which is our supreme authority on matters of faith and conduct. As such we expect all board members, officers, employees, and volunteers to be active church members and to conduct themselves publicly and privately as it is expected of a godly Christian life as described in the bible. 
We are a small group of Chistian volunteers. We think that ministry is not just giving food but feeding the soul.
Not just providing clothing - but offering dignity. Not just teaching the Bible - but mentoring in God's wisdom.
Not just digging a water hole but providing The Well of Living Waters. Not just buying toys- but demonstrating God's love.
Not just writing a check for funds, but actually helping with the work. Not just praying for them but getting involved.
We know people need the Lord, so we reach out!